Normal Hours
Kennedy Cafe
Kennedy Cafe features a wide array of menu choices such as grill favorites, entrees, made-to-order sandwiches, Sal's pizza, soup and fresh bakery. Across all stations you can find healthy choices, including vegan and vegetarian alternatives.
Door Rates
Dining Points: 9.50
Cash/Credit/Debit: $10.79
Dining Points: 12.50
Cash/Credit/Debit: $14.09
Dining Points: 15.50
Cash/Credit/Debit: $17.29
Tenders Accepted: Meal Swipes, Dining Points, Dining Flex, Cash and Credit

Normal Hours
Kennedy Cafe
Kennedy Cafe features a wide array of menu choices such as grill favorites, entrees, made-to-order sandwiches, Sal's pizza, soup and fresh bakery. Across all stations you can find healthy choices, including vegan and vegetarian alternatives.
Door Rates
Dining Points: 9.50
Cash/Credit/Debit: $10.79
Dining Points: 12.50
Cash/Credit/Debit: $14.09
Dining Points: 15.50
Cash/Credit/Debit: $17.29
Tenders Accepted: Meal Swipes, Dining Points, Dining Flex, Cash and Credit

Click allergen icons to exclude menu items containing the allergen.

Diet key:
Click diet icons to include menu items meeting diet criteria.